
You would like to check availability or make a booking?

In the ‘Check availability’ window, you can enter your ship and travel period and receive an overview of the available parking spaces, which can then be booked. We ask for your understanding that availability enquiries and bookings can only be made online via the ‘Availability check’ window.

Your travel period is not listed?

Please note that we only offer parking spaces for journeys from/to Kiel. If your journey takes place next year, bookings are possible from the end of January of your travel year. Please find the ‘Availability`check’ window on the right-hand side on our HOMEpage.

You have further questions?

Please use our contact form below or our FAQ section.

Contact form

Please calculate 7 plus 4.

Availability by telephone

You can reach us Monday to Friday between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Enquiries to AIDA-Reisen: +49 (0)431.98 22-347
Enquiries to TUI-Reisen: +49 (0)431.9822-346
Enquiries to MSC-Reisen: +49 (0)431.9822-345
Enquiries to other shipping companies: +49 (0)431-9822-399